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We would like to start a gallery here to showcase your photos of enjoying the T50 Trail here. If you would like to add your own photo to this gallery contact us via email on the contacts tab or message us on Facebook. It's lovely to show people but make sure you have their permssion first.

There is now a Gallery of Walker's Photos and a Flickr  group.



We would like to thank Derek, of  Derek Houghton Images for his generosity in taking and donating the photos of the T50 Launch Event.


All the other photos on the website and in the walk description leaflets were taken by volunteers who walk with, or work with, local community groups or by members of the public who allowed us to use their posted photos on Facebook. We would like to thank you all:


Emma Atwell - Ketley Parish Council, Julie Burroughs - Friends of Apley Woods, Alec Connah, Mags Craig, Mary Davies, Jim Fox - Friends of Granville Country Park, Martin Gibbons- Telford & East Shropshire Ramblers Walks Archive, Alan Hill -Rail Ramblers, Janet Pitt Lewis - Marches Long Distance Walkers Association, Steve Paynter, Graham Peet -Lodge Field Nature Reserve, Emma Stanley,Dave Smith,  Anne Suffolk, Greg Vernon, Naomi Wrighton .

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© 2018 - 2025 by Telford T50 50 mile trail consortium. Proudly created with

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